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Crossing Gate Sequencer




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This PCB has been a long time coming.


I have been frequently asked for a way to operate 2 crossing gates independently in sequence with a time delay between the operation.


This board is the culmination of  a lot of head scratching to find the best way froward.


The board is designed to interface with the existing Red Twin Servo Board so that 2 gates can be controlled.


Sequence is as follows.


At rest with switch open both inputs to the twin board are held high for the starting position of the gates.


On operating the switch, gate one moves followed by gate 2 after a time delay.


On the reverse travel Gate 2 operates and then Gate 1.

The time delay is set with a jumper and a trim pot.


The position of the gates needs to be preset using the standard setup on the Red Twin Servo Board before connecting the sequencer.

Video of the unit in operation courtesy of Peter Jackson.