The Ultimate in Servo Mounts





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SG90 Clones 9g


Originally these were known as TowerPro but so many other names have come into the market.

We only buy from a reputable seller, but we cannot guarantee these units

They are fine for point operation but not good for signals.

HobbyKIng Hk15178 9g


A really good servo for all things railway orientated

However, these are now discontinued,



PowerHD HD1370A 3g


This is the servo  that we have developed all our "Mini" mounts around


They are superb little servos and work really well with all our Mini Signal mounts.

We do not recommend using digital servos

PowerHD HD1900A 9g


This is a great servo for all railway use


We have recently begun stocking these as they really are very nice.

Will most probably recommend this as a replacement for the HK15178 once those are no longer available.

The Fitec FS90 is new to our range and is a really nice servo which we feel will be a good replacement for the HK15178 which is now obsolete

NOTE: this is  a 120 deg servo

We carry a small stock of Turnigy™ TG9W Waterproof Analog Micro Servo  for outside installations.

TowerPro SG90 Clones

We will no longer be stocking these servos when current stocks are gone